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The Model Church

by Pastor Tony Dominguez

Text: Acts 2:42-47
Date: 10/01/2017, the Evening service.

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I. Scripture Introduction
A. Context
II. Sermon Introduction
A. The church today
B. The Biblical Church
III. Sermon Body
A. Point 1: Believers must remain devoted to doctrine, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayer (42-43).
1. Devoted to doctrine.
2. Devoted to fellowship.
3. The breaking of bread.
4. Devoted to prayer.
B. Point 2: Believers must improve their testimony of Christ through unity and generosity (44-47a).
1. Unity
2. Generosity
C. Point 3: Believers must trust in God to increase His Church (47b).
IV. Conclusion
A. Summary
B. Closing

Pastoral Intern Tony Dominguez
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